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 Dead to Me + The Dutch Rudders + The Ignored + Maladroit + Crossing the Rubicon + No Refund (11/02/2012)

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Messages : 954
Date d'inscription : 26/09/2011
Age : 39
Localisation : Fayt-lez-Manage

Dead to Me + The Dutch Rudders + The Ignored + Maladroit + Crossing the Rubicon + No Refund (11/02/2012) Empty
MessageSujet: Dead to Me + The Dutch Rudders + The Ignored + Maladroit + Crossing the Rubicon + No Refund (11/02/2012)   Dead to Me + The Dutch Rudders + The Ignored + Maladroit + Crossing the Rubicon + No Refund (11/02/2012) Icon_minitimeJeu 5 Jan - 3:52

Dead to Me (USA), The Dutch Rudders (demorelease), The Ignored (Ieper punkrock), Maladroit (poppunk), Crossing the Rubicon (stoner hc), No Refund (young punkrockers) @ Juvenes, ZELE.

Starts at 19h.
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Dead to Me + The Dutch Rudders + The Ignored + Maladroit + Crossing the Rubicon + No Refund (11/02/2012)
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