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 The Declines + Black Sheep + Rotyes (15/09/2013)

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Oreille vierge

Messages : 954
Date d'inscription : 26/09/2011
Age : 39
Localisation : Fayt-lez-Manage

The Declines + Black Sheep + Rotyes (15/09/2013) Empty
MessageSujet: The Declines + Black Sheep + Rotyes (15/09/2013)   The Declines + Black Sheep + Rotyes (15/09/2013) Icon_minitimeJeu 20 Juin - 5:13

SUNDAY 15.09.2013 :: 

!!! Curfew : 10 pm !!!

The Decline ! (FR) + Black Sheep + Rotyes
Punk Rock

» The Decline ! (Punk / Rock / Folk)

The Decline ! was born in 2009 in Rennes (Britanny, France), Their first EP, « An old indian cemetery », released in the middle of 2010, shows what it is all about : genuine punk-rock music with a folk and country flavour. Their first full length "Broken hymns for beating hearts" is a mix between punk rock and acoustic folk tunes.

» Black Sheep (Ska Punk)

Punk-rock-hardcore band from Belgium.

We exist for almost 10 years, we've already been playing in France, England and Germany. We have released the first album "Première Conclusion" on February 2008 and a split album with Nina'school in October 2010. We have just released our new album "The straight line will take you only to death" on june 2012

We've already played with band such as Dead To Me (USA), Voodoo Glow Skulls (USA), The Flatliners (CA), Antillectual (DE), ...

» Rotyes (Punk)

Rotyes est le projet de Bob Seytor (Contingent, Walpurgis Volta, Missiles Of October).
Bob ayant enregistré tous les instrus en 2008, il fut rejoint par Dany Vanderschommen (Sudden Heat) à la guitare et Mathias Salas (Galvanize, Missiles Of October, Frau Blücher&the Drünken Horses) à la basse.
Ne trouvant pas de batteur, Bob se met temporairement à la batterie et au chant.
Du projet, on est passé au groupe, chancun apportant sa touche.
Après quelques concerts, dont le magasin 4, le D.N.A, ...


Organisateur : Magasin 4
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The Declines + Black Sheep + Rotyes (15/09/2013)
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